Model European Parliament 2024:

The national Model European Parliament is organized annually by the Lycée Aline Mayrisch. The leadership program simulates the work of the European Parliament and teaches young people in secondary school about European integration and cooperation, aiming to develop their understanding of common issues and bring them closer to the EU institutions. The program develops political awareness and understanding of European cultural diversity, European citizenship, and the culture of constructive debate through an innovative methodology that fosters essential skills for their future.

In this year’s three-day simulation, four students from the Lycée technique d’Ettelbruck participated and expanded their knowledge regarding decision-making within Parliament as well as their debating skills. Participants: Jamie G. (2GCG), Elodie C. (3GCMP1), Noah M. (2GSE), Rodrigo D. (2GSO1)

Here are some of the personal statements made by our delegates about their experience:

  • I was not only inspired by all of the resolutions and debates during the MEP 2024 but also moved. It was an unforgettable experience which definitely helped me notice and strengthen my motivation for politics.”
  • Ech hunn den MEP eng immens gutt Erfarung fonnt an ech hu vill geleiert an de 4 Deeg.”
  • Mir huet et elo vill Spaass gemaach, ech géif et nächst Joer och erëm maachen. Fir Léit déi keen Interêt hunn un der Politik fir déi ass et definitiv näischt. Politesch Virkenntnesser sinn elo net grad néideg mee et muss een awer wëllen do sinn fir iwwerhaapt eppes ze verstoen. Et war vill Gruppenaarbecht an et misst een ëmmer Eegeninitiativen ergräifen.

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